STAR-CROSSED is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s classic written entirely in rhyming couplets. Couplets allow the play to be performed as a traditional verse drama without music, or to be spoken over beats on a track. Original music corresponding to each scene may be licensed, or productions may create their own looped beats.


There are 17 characters, plus optional ensemble and DJ. All characters may be portrayed as any gender. All characters may be played by actors of any gender. With or without music, STAR-CROSSED runs about 80 minutes in length. There is also an option for less than 60 minutes.


The rhythms heard on the vocal demos are not meant to be prescriptive, as it is the intent of STAR-CROSSED that actors may experiment with rhythms and be absolutely improvisational in their delivery when speaking over a track.


Music and verse written by Daniel Robert Sullivan. For a perusal script or licensing inquires, contact the writer directly at